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  • EDITING IN THE CRIME GENRE: Similar to action films, editing techniques and styles in crime genre films moves from slow to fast, changing the pace of the narrative and speeding up in short, spiking moments of intense action. This is TYPICALLY used when escaping from the crime scene or running away from whoever is chasing them. With the use of quick and fast-paced editing and cuts, the film gives a thrilling atmosphere with high levels of nail-biting tension. In Contrast, the use of long, slower edits are also used, typically during moments, the crime takes place, eg; sneaking past a security guard. Moreover, low-key shadows add mystery by not showing the character's full face, also leaving some parts of their body in shadows to show that the character is hiding something.

  • LOCATIONS IN THE CRIME GENRE: The location for crime genre films is typically in large cities such as London or New York, with these being very highly populated with large amounts of people living and working there. Eg; a very famous series Sherlock Holmes based on the crime genre was shooted in London. These locations also have very high status and are very economically wealthy while also being where acts of crime take place regularly. More locations like banks, jeweler shops, police stations, and the ‘gangs’ hiding spots where they meet to discuss their next mission.

  • MISE-EN-SCENE: Once more, similar to action genre films, weapons such as KNIVES and GUNS, and stereotypically crowbars are used in crime films during the scene of the crime. Weapons are used as a sign of threat, being used for protection and domination but also as a means of completing the crime. The color of the weapons will be typically dark (black/grey), symbolizing evil and danger, and portraying them as the antagonist or villain. Moreover, Low-key lighting is used to create a dark atmosphere in crime genre films, conveying feelings of danger and also creating an enigma code as in the darkness, the audience is unsure of what is exactly happening.

  • SOUNDS IN THE CRIME GENRE:  The use of FAST-PACED music is typically used in crime films to create a fast-paced atmosphere and draw the attention of the viewer. This will typically happen during moments when the criminals are escaping from the scene of the robbery and in addition when we are introduced to the characters. (E.g. Italian Job + Snatch).

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