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The first thing established by the second question in my survey was that I was on the right path. The majority of people were divided between the comedy and crime genres equally. So I finalized crime as my final genre and i will produce an opening sequence based on the crime genre.


The third question ‘Do you like watching crime films’ had a 100% response to the option yes, which made it confirm that my opening will be based on the crime genre.


As per the fourth question, the majority voted for the ‘storyline’ that makes a crime movie interesting, so I will execute a dramatic storyline for the viewers to make it interesting and more engaging.


The sixth question in my survey helped me realize that ‘breaking bad’ was quite popular among the consumers of crime films. And so I decided to include some of the conventions used in it.


I consider the seventh question to be really important for my film opening because that made me figure out whether ‘Michael Jackson’s songs should be added to my film opening or not. This feedback was effective as the viewers voted for ‘yes’ so I will add his song ‘Billie Jean’ on the viewer's demand.


Initially, my film’s name was yet to be decided so I let the best source i.e the audience help me decide on a catchy name for my film opening. And I decided on ‘SMOOTH CRIMINAL’ as the title of my film opening, as it is a catchy title in the eyes of the audience.

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