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Every successful movie franchises have a huge budget behind its back and by utilizing those huge budgets film institutions execute great marketing strategies and distribution of their films. in addition to this, Warner Bros (a film production company) produced a movie franchise named "The Matrix" and marketed and distributed their franchise in a way that it got instant audience attention. Matrix is based on a SCI-FI genre with an essence of crime in it.

Moving on to the marketing for this movie. The budget was 63 million USD and the movie got a fair rating of 12A, it was PG13 and because of this, it encouraged a wider audience to visit the screenings and experience the spectacular narrative for themselves on the big screen. Moreover,  Warner Bros always have a great budget for the marketing of their franchise and marketing their franchise soo well is the main element for their success. Warner Bros created promotional hype for their movie ‘THE MATRIX’ by initially releasing film posters followed by a theatrical teaser and trailer of their film. Warner bros slowly released various promotional posters throughout the making of The Matrix, creating curiosity among the Matrix fans. After this, character posters were released with the character’s name and quick biography details identifying character traits. The announcement trailer sets up the basic plot of the movie followed by a teaser trailer which was released on popular occasions like movie awards or comic con. In addition, Warner Bros also sold tickets for the premiere of the movie and made it special for a few people. As far as online and social platforms are concerned, its website provided much more detail about The Matrix and shows behind-the-scenes shots. Behind-the-scenes and trailers created anticipation for The Matrix and increased their market share in the industry as more and more people were willing to watch the movie. Moreover, Warner Bros also released TV spots and used promotional hashtags on Twitter to make their film THE MATRIX popular among followers. They also hold Q & A sessions with the film cast on various platforms like Comic-Con and also sold merchandise for The Matrix on its online stores named warner bros shop.


Big film studios like warner bros can market their franchises on different platforms and many other big brands will be willing to give them a sponsorship, due to their self-made reputation.  Coming back to warner bros marketing their film THE MATRIX. Warner Bros did a great job on digital marketing as they create hype on their social media pages i.e, Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter. For their movie Matrix, they synergized with various companies to properly market their movie and to create hype for the viewers. For example, they synergized with Mc Donalds (for a mutual benefit) and launched a happy meal that had Neo (the lead character in The Matrix) toy in it and launched burgers having the character's name on them as well. Furthermore, Warner Bros also arranged a Q & A with the film’s cast which makes the audience engage with them and ask questions related to the movie, making the movie more interesting to watch and at the same time, it also creates huge hype all over the world. Continuous interviews were held before the film was released by The Graham Norton Show and many other famous shows which advertised their franchise very well. In addition, Warner Bros also did cross-media convergence which means when multiple firms or studios come together to form one product with an advantage for all of them. So warner bros converged with Epic Games to promote their movie and named the game, ‘THE MATRIX AWAKENS’ It was developed on UNREAL ENGINE 5 which was created by Epic games, and the game created a great experience for game lovers and at the same time warner bros also promoted their movie through this game. Furthermore, this game was a success and in the end, both epic games and Warner Bros had their part of the advantage and made millions out of their projects.

Almost every film production company market and distribute their movie franchises in a similar way no matter what the movie genre is, these distribution and marketing strategies are very effective. PRO-AMS like a famous content creators have very small budgets making it possible to execute expensive and large-scale marketing and distribution so they market their product in a similar way but on a small scale.

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