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I don’t have many inspirations but one that made me choose a crime genre for my film opening is ‘LUPIN’ a netflix series, as it shares similar things that I would like to add in my opening such as guns, thriller, suspense, the use of shadows to create audience anticipation and most importantly his dressing and style inspires my protagonist. Michael Jackson is the inspiration for my protagonist as well. He inspires the title for my film opening because I would say in a way he’s similar to my protagonist as they share the same style and the music that he has created especially ‘BILLIE JEAN’ and ‘SMOOTH CRIMINAL’ really goes with the feel of my film opening sequence so I would like to add his songs in my opening sequence. Moreover, 'DAHMER' a recent netflix series gave me inspiration and reference of few scenes for my film opening sequence like; the protagonist cleaning his knife which is covered with blood and conveys danger to the audience making the narrative interesting. 

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