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After the rough cut, my team and I realized that this is not enough as the story that I wrote had soo much in it and I only executed half of it and it didn’t make any sense to me because I wanted to show the audience that where did Frank (protagonist) took the bag of diamonds and where did he hide it? This would’ve been a good ending to my opening sequence but I had something else planned out that will be seen later in my opening sequence.


The main need for changes and refinement came upon the text and font that I used in my opening sequence and it was supervised by my respected Media studies teacher who helped me to figure out the most suitable text and fonts for my FINAL PRODUCT. Moreover, Small things such as the sound effect of the message popping up on the phone were added along with the formation of music, were also changed as I wanted to continue the dramatic feel till the end of the first half before the transition took place in addition to that, I was also informed by my Media studies teacher that the face of the hostage shouldn’t be revealed so I hide his face by putting the camera behind him and only revealed the face of my Protagonist. I also changed the color grading of the whole opening sequence as it didn’t give a dramatic touch to my final product and changed it to, the first half giving a blueish and dark feel to connote danger and the second half giving a warm color feel to emphasize on the outdoor location.

As you can see the rough cut had many problems to it as it was not visually aesthetic and didn’t give a crime feel as I used bad color grading, no fonts, and it was looking very bland, freeze frame was not added to introduce the characters, and most importantly the black screen at the end didn’t go really well with the name of my opening sequence. The rough cut helped me to improve these little things and made my opening sequence much better as I added a freeze frame to introduce the characters, along with fonts the production name was also added in the first scene and I corrected the audio formation and added animations and sound effects to the text to make  it engaging.

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The second half also had many problems with it such as; the introduction of the characters was not accurate and again I used the wrong color grading. Furthermore, my Media teacher stated that the font that was used for the name of my opening sequence was not clear enough so I changed that as well to make it more visible. All these changes were made and could be seen in MY FINAL PRODUCT.

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WhatsApp Image 2023-04-10 at 12.38.15 AM.jpeg
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