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Behind every successful movie there are many problems and hurdles faced by the makers of the movie similarly, as a director and a producer I also faced many challenges and consequences throughout but all these hurdles helped me to learn more about pre-production and taught me to always move forward no matter what the problem is and no matter how hard you get hit you always have to move forward.


Firstly I faced a problem with my shot design and narrative as after the rough cut that was shot i observed that some camera shots were not meeting my expectations so I had to add more shots in between to make it as i wanted. Moreover, my respected media teacher also mentioned some problems with the rough that the victim's face should not be revealed as this will create more audience anticipation for that specific character so again i grabbed my camera and shot the scene again but this time I placed the camera behind the victim so it does not reveal his face. the color grading and the editing that was applied to my product was not pleasing to my aesthetics so i had to edit the whole opening sequence once again with dark color grading to induce tension in my scenes as previously i added some greens and browns in the scene which didn't go with the theme of my film opening


The problem that occurred with the narrative was that after the rough cut, I realized that I wanted to add more shots and narrative to my opening sequence so, I had to plan another day of shoot to execute the other half as my initial idea was to end the opening sequence where the protagonist leaves his house to hide the diamonds but i thought of a transition to another place and show what actually happens next and to give a clear understanding of my narrative.


When I was done shooting the other half where the location changes after the transition, I came home to transfer all the footage to my laptop but sadly I formatted my entire footage by mistake which made me really demotivated and sad but all this sadness lasted only for a few minutes and I instantly informed my team that we will shoot the the second half all over again and we went the other day and completed the second half.


Initially the second half was to be recorded in a railway station however, we couldn't get permission from the railway authorities which led to a change in my narrative as-well as I wrote the script imagining a railway station where the protagonist tries to escape the city but I had to change the narrative and change the location to an old town setting and didn't face any problems recording in that area.


Lastly, small problems such as; failing to decide on the costumes and the props, overthinking about my shots and not finding the best angle were also faced. I agree with the fact that if all these challenges didn't occur i would have failed in identifying my mistakes and these challenges helped me improve my film opening sequence and made my product how I exactly wanted.



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