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Frank's costume;

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Initially, Frank was supposed to wear chains, bracelets, and a lot of rings in his hand with funky dress shirts and pent to give him a mafia leader vibe, but one thought stopped me that it would be a cliche move to make my protagonist where all of these accessories as most of the crime genre films show their criminal like this but I wanted to give my protagonist a more of a mystery feel by deciding to make him wear a long dark coat with decent black pent, boots, and shirt and a minimalistic pendant so that he could give a decent feel as I created this character to give off a mysterious feel similar to how ‘Peaky Blinders” gave their characters a vintage and mysterious feel. I kept my protagonist a thief of valuable things such as; diamonds and paintings so It made more sense to go with this look as he stands out from any other criminal or thief. So that is why I went with this look for Frank. 

The police officer costume;

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The police officer’s costume was supposed to be a proper police uniform but due to some issue we couldn’t manage to arrange a police uniform so I decided to make him wear full black as it shows decency and made him wear glasses as some films show police officer wearing glasses so it made it easier for the audience to get familiar with the police officer. Gloves were supposed to be there in the final opening sequence but after the rough cut, I thought it gives the officer a funky feel which I didn’t want for this character. Overall I just gave this character a simple feel and did not do anything extra as we couldn’t arrange a police uniform.


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An old town location:

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WhatsApp Image 2023-04-09 at 5.34.25 AM.jpeg

I used three types of lighting equipment ONLY for my Creative critical reflection videos, if we talk about my final product I didn’t use any lighting equipment as I captured all the footage in natural light.

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